Good Relationships

Good Relationships Are Better Than Bad Ones™

Rediscover the missing elements for positive and empowering relationships.

What Every College Student Needs To Know®
About Healthy Relationships

Opposites attract. Treat others the way you want to be treated. Relationships are 50/50. You will find “the one.” It was love at first sight. Give people the benefit of the doubt. The perfect person is your other half. All men think about is sex. Insert your favorite relationship cliché. They’re all lies. Lies. LIES!

A good relationship doesn’t come from finding the right partner, but being the right partner…with your friends, your teams, your clubs, and your significant others. The only way to do this is to understand who you are at the core, outside of all relationships. In this eye-opening seminar, participants will realize how many of the clichés they have heard about relationships are far from the truth and that their ideal relationship starts with themselves–and then what they can do to inspire healthy relationships in their lives.


Participants will…

  • Understand Relationships: Discover the #1 indicator of your well-being and how social relationships impact your everyday life.

  • Know What They Want: Dissect the top three things you are looking for in any relationship that you didn’t know you needed.

  • Build Healthy Relationships: Discuss the qualities of a good relationship and how you can manifest that relationship.

  • Learn Their Love Language: how you prefer to be loved, respected, and appreciated. (For longer workshops)

You can’t get along with others until you first get along with yourself. Once you clearly understand yourself and what you want and need, you can then apply these ideas to any relationship or partnership, maintain stronger friendships, build better teams, have better arguments, become more in love, even find your soulmate.


AUDIENCE: Current Students; Student Leaders; Staff; Clubs & Organizations
DATES: All Year Long! It's ALWAYS a good time for Leadership Development!
DURATION: 1-3 hour stand-alone event or as part of the Zero Shades® Trilogy.
VENUES: Auditorium, Theater, or multi-purpose room with stage and high-quality audio-visual setup and space for activities. No gyms.