Become A Certified Educator (for Pros)


Are you a Higher Educational Professional working on a campus (or recently transitioned)? Let’s do this!

Hi! We are truly humbled and inspired by your intentions to join us in becoming a Collegiate Empowerment Educator. This will be awesome!

Collegiate Empowerment is an educational production company that provides kickass shows, seminars, retreats, and conferences for college students and professionals. (“Kickass” was your first test. If you’re not offended, keep on reading.) We’re also in partnership with John Wiley & Sons, the publisher of The Student Leadership Challenge®, which is one of the most widely-used books for leadership development and curriculum on college campuses. Here’s the press release:

All of our client events are designed using our trademark Collegiate Empowerment approach with the promise of a high-energy, interactive, engaging, and fun experience. Because of high demand, we have a part-time economic opportunity for entrepreneurial-minded educators like you. To be a part of our Educator Team, you've got to have the right energy and spirit—as you know from any interaction you’ve ever had with us at CE. We’re going to make a big difference together!

As Context Experts, we know college students better than they know themselves. You are likely a Content Expert. You either know or have your own content expertise. Perhaps you’re even certified, and now it’s time to learn how to maximize those certifications on your campus and in your region, earning a buck or two as well! (You may even develop an interest in facilitating Collegiate Empowerment student seminars and professional tools.)

This is a work-for-hire agreement to start as an Educational Collaborator with Collegiate Empowerment, working on your own schedule. As a Professional Educator, you will be guided through high-level and customized training throughout your time with us. You may work with Master Consultants and Facilitators, global content development partners, strategic association partners, agency partners, and other CE Educators like yourself. You will be supported by sales consultants to help create opportunities for you. You will also be rewarded for creating opportunities for yourself and others to deliver seminars and workshops on regional campuses. You will lean on our backstage team to take care of client agreements, invoices, business management, and other operations.

Collegiate Empowerment is a create-your-own-experience and build-your-own-practice kind of culture. We have several people on our team that own businesses or have jobs and still engage with CE several times a week before work, during lunch, after hours, or on weekends. Some people even use their vacation days to perform. You can do this however you want as long as you’re committed.


As a Collegiate Empowerment Educator, you are the “sage on the stage” facilitating either your own content expertise or seminars from the Collegiate Empowerment vault that you’ve attained additional certification in.

What’s the easiest way to get on stage? Present and market yourself at regional or national conferences to gain exposure and let people know who you are. We are always selling something, whether it’s an idea to our colleagues, an event to our students, or values to our kids. Why not sell something that puts money in your pocket?! (One conference could generate ten times in revenue the amount of expenses you put out, so look at it as an investment.)

Educators earn a commission for the sale as well as compensation for the delivery, plus related travel expenses.

You’re not required to be an Enrollment Consultant and we understand where you may feel turned off by the idea as a few other people on our team have felt the same way. What we have found is that some of our best work is done in advance of the experience, customizing and shaping it for the audience during the consultation process. You might be surprised at how exciting it is to be a Enrollment Consultant!

If you choose to take your certification deeper and you want to stack certifications on top of each other, you can become certified in Collegiate Empowerment curriculum for an additional nominal fee. You may also be invited to join our live experience for training, rehearsals, certification, and licensing in Easton, PA where you’ll get to meet other CE team members and learn from each other.

We do recommend that you host the program to experience the product you’ll be facilitating, so you should first bring it to your school. (You may have already done this!) We find that it’s easier to recommend a product after being an owner of the product, don’t you?


We have 130+ hours of curriculum for What Every College Student Needs To Know™ as well as for professional development, all including the PowerPoint, script, and embedded audio/video media!

One of your best options is the Collegiate Empowerment Coaching Program where we not only take you through 12 professional coaching tools, but we also license you to use them with mentees and then certify you to use them to earn revenue as a Collegiate Empowerment Affiliate Coach!



Watch a few of our videos here to get a feel for the energy and style of the student learning experience we are creating (unless of course you've already had us to campus or have seen us live at another venue).

Prepare to send us a 10-15 minute video clip of yourself presenting your own content to a live audience (and if it's just you and the camera, that will be alright as well). We want to get to know your style and approach to facilitation. This is the biggest part of your “application.”

There is a nominal fee for trademarked materials and development to get you started and it will be customized based on your competence and readiness. The fee gets you enrolled in the educator certification and grants you access to the following:

  • An initial consultation call to provide you with clarity in next steps (and potentially meet others in the program).

  • A training audio/video series for becoming an experience facilitator.

  • Training calls to support you in three areas upon request:

    • Marketing your services as a Collegiate Empowerment Educator (the better marketing, the easier the enrolling).

    • Enrolling clients at schools that are interested to bring you to campus (enrollment is the most important job in helping our clients).

    • Performing the experience (this is ultimately what you're signing up for).

      • Experience first-hand a high-energy, interactive, engaging, and fun demonstration where they will feel the difference for themselves, and then translate insights into their own student development and training.

      • Learn to design entertaining, educational, and empowering experiences with the unique, highly-researched Learn-Say-Do-Reflect Framework™.

      • Enhance facilitation and delivery skills focusing on the core elements: movement, eyes, voice, staging, and tech.

      • Be a part of the art and science of experiential learning to making training fun again.

  • 2–3 setup and support calls as needed.

You can be up and running in as little as six months with your newest certification as a Collegiate Empowerment Professional Educator! Then you can simply choose which of the seminar experiences you want to add to your certification for just $95 each to start building your portfolio!


Wait, isn't this a conflict of interest? Nope. Compare this to any relationship you have with a nonprofit association or organization that you volunteer on, serve, or attend their events. We don’t see it as a conflict of interest; it’s an additional certification that you can and should use on your campus and with other institutions across the country. As we’ve been saying for years, what we do here is both a privilege and an obligation…and so it is for you! 

What if I need more prep time? If collectively we feel that more time will be needed for training or guidance during this certification process, we are open to adding another support call to your package. If, however, we mutually agree that more training and development will be necessary, we will figure that out with you on a case-by-case basis to provide audio, videos, and support calls to make sure that you feel both comfortable and confident.

Are there any additional requirements? Yes, if you want to be a professional, there are obvious things like a laptop, Microsoft PowerPoint, and wireless clicker when presenting a multimedia-driven slideshow. You should also be familiar with a projector, screen, sound system, and microphone. If you are not familiar with this standard equipment, we can help you out.

What about insurance? Yes, we have it as an organization, and yes, we recommend you get it as an individual. General liability insurance protects you in case someone gets hurt during your program and decides to sue you or request money for medical bills, pain, and suffering. We recommend a $2 million policy, and it’s only a few hundred dollars each year for total protection.

Do I need to own a business? No, and if you do, we will pay your business so that you can take advantage of greater tax benefits for yourself.


Here’s where everything comes together: IT'S YOU and you’re on stage! Okay, most of the time, it’s just floor space, but you get the idea. We’ve got a great system for helping you perform, facilitate, and coach like a wizard. From the art and science of engagement to the visual slideshow to the experiential activities to the audience participation, this is where you shine and we can’t wait to do some amazing stuff with you!

Get started now!